missions &
Jesus not only saves us, but He also sends us with good news to those who are in need, both near and far. Locally we are involved in ministry to cancer patients and to students on area college campuses. Abroad we support those who are working to proclaim the good news of Jesus, and to plant and help His churches to grow in glorifying God and blessing their neighbors. We also go, sending a team to Cherokee, NC each summer to serve the Cherokee people alongside of our missionaries Scott and Ruth Hill. A Missions Team, comprised of Trinity volunteers, guides the work and direction of missions and outreach. The Missions Team’s responsibilities include:
Making known the work of the missionaries and mission efforts that Trinity supports
Identifying missionaries and/or missions organizations to fund
Communicating with current/prospective missionaries to develop and maintain relationships
Reporting to the congregation how funds are being used and what impact Trinity’s support is having for the Gospel
Challenging the congregation to greater financial support of Trinity’s missionaries, and,
Participating in local and short-term mission projects while serving as missionaries in Team Members’ day-to-day environments.
Missionaries Supported by Trinity
Margaret Frisbee, Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship
Rick & Betty Aschmann, Mission to the World, Ecuador
Ben Coppedge, Reformed University Fellowship, University of Georgia - https://ruf.org
George Hamm, Reformed University Fellowship, Emory University - https://ruf.org
Michael Phillips, Reformed University Fellowship, Georgia Tech - https://ruf.org
Tracey West, Reformed University Fellowship International, Georgia Tech - https://ruf.org
The Chalmers Center for Economic Development, Covenant College - https://chalmers.org
Octavius Defils, Reformed Presbyterian Church Haiti
Scott and Ruth Hill, Mission to the World, Cherokee, NC - https://mtw.org
David and Lynn Bradford, Find Hope Counseling - http://www.findhopecounseling.com
Newton Pregnancy Resource Center - http://www.newtonprc.org
Mission to North America Disaster Response - https://pcamna.org/ministry/disaster-response/