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our worship

Worship is the great joy and privilege of God's people. It is the purpose for which we are created and redeemed, and it is faithful worship offered in spirit and truth that the Father seeks (John 4:24). The worship at Trinity is God-centered (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), Word-centered, responsive, and joyful before the presence of the Triune God. Our worship blends the best of ancient, traditional, and contemporary resources we can find by which to enjoy Him in our music, responsive readings, and prayers.  

We recognize too that the body of Christ is made up of people from different generations, different cultures, and backgrounds, all coming together as one to glorify and enjoy Him in Christ (Rev. 7:9). 

At Trinity, we believe that worship is a re-presentation of the Gospel to bring glory to God and blessings to His people. Worship, when done in the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of God’s Word, serves not only to glorify God and edify the believer but also to maintain unity of the body, deepen our fellowship, and witness powerfully to the unbeliever.

Preaching is conducted in a traditional, expository format that takes us through entire books of the Bible, or topical series from texts on relevant themes for our day. This approach allows us to receive instruction in the whole counsel of God.


Musical Tradition: Trinity combines the use of the Trinity Hymnal and contemporary music selections for worship. A Praise Team and Choir, sometimes accompanied by various instruments, enhance our worship of God.


Communion: Communion is a sign and seal of God's grace to us in Christ by the Holy Spirit, as given to us in His Word.  As such, we choose to celebrate Communion each week as a vivid reminder of the Good News of Christ's Gospel and as a means of grace for His people.

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